September 15, 2024
July 4th - Freedom Loving People Opposing NAIS
July 4th - Freedom Loving People Opposing NAIS

Independence Mall in Philadelphia was one of many places the bad word about NAIS was presented on July 4. Barbara Steever, a dedicated NAIS opponent passed out factual information on NAIS from and other freedom fighter sites.

Barbara was enthusiastically received by numerous consumers who had no idea of how expensive food prices would become if current proposed bills are passed by the Congress and Senate. She reports, “Most people had not heard of NAIS, but quickly disliked it’s intended plan. A great many took my information for on line critiques to USDA.”

Those working the tent talked until their throat was sore explaining what the proposed mandatory NAIS was planned to do to US livestock producers and how it would affect food production and prices.

People eagerly signed NAIS opposition letters that will be mailed to the Federal Register. NAIS opposition was an easy sell to a serious crowd of liberty-loving Philadelphia people and out of state visitors to Independence Hall.

Other similar NAIS opposition efforts were staged throughout the nation. Opposition organizations are now working every state with increasing determination by yahoo groups, livestock breeders and organic farmers. Internet blogs dedicated to educate about the many fears of NAIS are growing by the hundreds.

Many thousands attended the Campaign for Liberty organized event from 10 AM to 5 PM Saturday.

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