February 19, 2025

Note: COOL means COUNTRY OF ORIGIN LABEL. For over 10 years this law was enforced. Every beef or pork product in the USA had to have, by law, a label stating the origin country. In the last months of the reign of Obama COOL was repealed, opening up markets for African, Brazilian, Mexican and vast imports from distant countries. Some politicians understand. Consumers want to reinstate COOL.

  • In April 2017, President Trump issued his Buy American Hire American Executive Order to help stimulate America’s economy.
  • Citizens, however, cannot choose to buy USA beef because the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled against our U.S. Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) law and gut-less Congress repealed COOL for beef, hammering USA ranchers a harsh financial blow.
  • Recognizing that lower-cost imports reduce the value of domestic meat animals, current U.S. labeling law requires COOL labels on chicken, lamb, goat meat, fish, shellfish, and venison. Beef and pork are now outliers and consumers are not allowed to distinguish beef produced exclusively in the USA versus beef produced in whole or in part in a foreign country, who do not do USDA inspections during the meat preparation process.
  • The U.S. is the world’s largest beef importer. Each year importers ship up to 2 million cattle and 3 billion pounds of beef into the USA from more than 15 countries. These imports are direct substitutes for USA cattle, and beef, and represent about 20% of U.S. beef consumption. As many as 60% of all fast-food hamburgers in the USA are soon to be imported beef. It is a sad shame most hospitals, public schools, rehab facilities and retirement homes buy the cheapest/lowest quality meat that can be acquired from import wholesalers.
  • Not only is beef being sold in the U.S. without an origin label; but also, the “Product of USA” label is being applied fraudulently to imported beef that undergoes only minor processing in the USA.
  • In 2016, the year after COOL for beef was repealed, USA cash receipts from the sale of cattle fell $17 billion when compared to 2014. Importers with less sanitary conditions do not have to comply with the safety/cleanliness standards required for meat processors in the USA.

Reinstating COOL for beef would:

  • Strengthen the domestic cattle industry by allowing consumers to support America’s live cattle supply chain. Consumers would know what country their food was coming from.
  • Prevent consumer deception caused by affixing the USA label on beef derived from foreign cattle.
  • Allow consumers to express their nationalism/patriotism.
  • Allow consumers to selectively avoid beef from countries that may have food safety or disease problems. Namibia, Africa is one of the highest Hoof & Mouth disease riddled countries in Africa, yet they are allowed to import raw beef to the USA without USDA inspection.
  • When COOL is restored for beef, Rural America’s economy will strengthen as citizens begin complying with President Trump’s directive to “Buy American” beef.

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