Subscribe | Give | Join | Renew ACTION ALERT: New Developments! Urge Your Senator to Oppose Mandatory Electronic...
“EID Mandate Enriches Global Corporations.” Although 84 to 92% of cattle producers refuse and...
For over 20 years the USDA, in partnership with Chinese RFID livestock ear tag...
Here is this week’s recording in mp3 format. This week’s segment is titled “Beware Mandatory...
I need to preface this week’s segment with this: R-CALF USA thinks radio frequency...
Memo: THE USDA BEATS THIS DEAD MULE OVER AND OVER. They just won’t quit!...
Trump wants to end rule-making by memo. Here’s a test for USDA. The Wall...
When it comes to government-mandated programs, no one seems to get more fired up...
Here is this week’s recording in mp3 and m4a formats. This week’s segment discusses...