July 26, 2024

For over 20 years the USDA, in partnership with Chinese RFID livestock ear tag companies, distributed by 8 approved companies in the USA, have done everything possible to force all livestock owners to use their electronic ID pins. If forced by law that every livestock owner must use the ID pins and keep records and supply records to the government, it would suck several billion dollars from livestock producers in full compliance.

For beyond 20 years USDA has bribed states with over $150,000,000 to coercer them to also force mandatory use of electronic ID on producers.

When comment periods are allowed, like now, over 90% of producers say no. Regardless the USDA has a lot of lobby (bribe) money hanging in the balance and must move forward. This is big money and producers would have to pay.

Listen to the short audio and call your congressman now and say no. And, vote on line NO. It is the right thing to do.

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