This week’s segment is titled “Presidential Executive Orders” and discusses the relationship between R-CALF...
When it comes to government-mandated programs, no one seems to get more fired up...
Here is this week’s recording in mp3 and m4a formats. This week’s segment discusses...
During the Obama administration USA sovereignty was freely distributed to every tin-horn upstart organization...
Government enforced animal ID (ADT) still holds a glorious carrot in front of every...
ADT ~~ ANIMAL DISEASE TRACEABILITY by 11-28-11 On February 5, 2010, USDA Sec....
Letter to the Editor The National Animal Identification System (NAIS) started a no-win war...
Editorial comment: Although over 90% of cattle producers have violently opposed NAIS and all...
By: Doreen Hannes Bio Doreen Hannes is the Director of Research for the National...